Great Ways To Learn How To Start Coding

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Good Places To Get Help When Learning How To Code

There are many places to learn how to do many things not only code, and today in this article I will list some of the things that I have used to gain some needed knowledge and experience in learning how to code utilizing high-level programming languages such as java. Here is my list of resources. 

How to Create a Java Radio Buttons, Java Combo Box GUI

Photo by Félix Besombes on Unsplash

This is a JFrame tutorial java project is for anyone learning to code. This java tutorial for beginners is a demonstration of how to use the Java Radio Buttons, Java Combobox, Java Textfields, Java Labels, and Java Buttons in Netbeans when creating a JFrame. This video will help those beginner programmers learn how to use Java calculations to get their desired results.

This Java program is a java fish market project that calculates fish costs dependent on the price per pound of fish. Java can be difficult for anyone just beginning, this channel will help you a little more in your journey of learning the Java Language. This will help all Computer Science Majors and is a java full course on java GUI projects. Java is the Language. Let's learn something new and enjoy this coding for beginners.  @arsenioscott 

How to Create a Java Text Area GUI Beginner Program

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

This is a JTextArea JFrame tutorial for anyone beginning to code. This tutorial is a demonstration of how to use the JTextArea (J Text Area) in Netbeans when creating a JFrame. This video will help that beginner programmers learn how to use Java TextArea to get their desired results.

Java can be difficult for anyone just beginning, this channel will help you a little more in your journey of learning the Java Language. This will help all Computer Science Majors. Java is the Language. Let's learn something new.

How to Create a Python Wage Taxes Program

Photo by Tudor Baciu on Unsplash

This Python tutorial full course is Python for beginners in order to create their first wage program that calculates taxes. In this program, we calculate FICA Taxes, Federal Taxes, and State Taxes for wage workers.

Python is a good language for anyone to learn because it has so many applications in the real world. Learn python input today with this free tutorial. This tutorial discusses the basics of the Python programming 3 version on how to calculate wage taxes.

How to Create a Java Credit Utilization Program Java GUI

Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash

This is a JFrame tutorial java project is for anyone beginning to code. In this java program, the credit card limits can be different. This java tutorial for beginners is a demonstration of how to use the Java Textfields, Java Labels, and Java Buttons in Netbeans when creating a JFrame. This video will help those beginner programmers learn how to use Java calculations to get their desired results.

This Java program is a java credit utilization program that helps to understand how much credit a user is using. Java can be difficult for anyone just beginning, this channel will help you a little more in your journey of learning the Java Language. This will help all Computer Science Majors and is a java full course on java GUI wage and tax. Java is the Language. Let's learn something new and enjoy this coding for beginners.

How to Create a Java Wage and Tax Toggle Button and JTable Program

java wage and tax gui

This is a JFrame tutorial for anyone beginning to code. This java tutorial for beginners is a demonstration of how to use the Java Textfields, Java JTable, Java Toggle Button, and Java Buttons in Netbeans when creating a JFrame. This video will help those beginner programmers learn how to use Java calculations to get their desired results.

Java can be difficult for anyone just beginning. This channel will help you a little more in your journey of learning the Java Language. This will help all Computer Science Majors and is a full java course on java GUI wage and tax. Java is the Language. Let's learn something new. Below I have a snippet of the code needed in order to create this Java Tax Wage program. 

How To Choose The Best Devices To Get Started With Programming

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Having a good solid computer is vital to start coding, and HP, Apple, Lenovo, Acer, and Microsoft offer solid Laptops for coders at every level.

How To Create A Java Grades Program

java grades program gui

Below I have a snippet of the code needed in order to create Java Grades using the NetBeans IDE. When utilizing the NetBeans IDE, Java GUI’s can be rather simple to create. All that’s needed after the creation of the GUI are some scripts to give the GUI some functionality. 

The variables that I used are historyScore, mathScore, englishScore, physicsScore, and biologyScore were String variables and the average and GPA variables were double. These variables can be whatever best suits the coders for ease of reading and execution.

How to Create A Python Counting Program

python counting program

How to create a python counting program

This is a Python 3 tutorial for creating a counting program, and in order to get started I always start with a comment about what the program should entail. By using the # key, you can then create comments in Python.

How To Create A Java JTable Program

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

How To Create A Java JTable Program

Below I have a snippet of the code needed in order to create a JTable using the NetBeans IDE. When utilizing the NetBeans IDE, Java GUI’s can be rather simple to create. All that’s needed after the creation of the GUI are some scripts to give the GUI some functionality.

Example Of Python For Loops

How to create a python for loops program

This is a Python 3 tutorial for creating a pounds-to-kilograms program, loops can be beneficial to continuously run a bit of code until the user is complete with the java program. It is typically a good call to always have comments about the various parts of the program execution when run. By using the # key you are able to then create comments in Python.

Example Of How To Create A Java Math Program

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

How to create a simple math java program

This program uses a while loop and java switch statements to create a java math program that will execute the basic math problems (multiplication, subtraction, addition, division) for users to complete. 

Example of How To Create A Java Coffee Shop Program

Photo by Social Mode on Unsplash

How to create a Java Coffee Shop Program

This is a Java tutorial for creating a coffee shop program, the code below is how to set up the various java checkboxes and java radio buttons. In this tutorial, I utilized the Netbeans IDE which is great for developing Java GUIs in order to create something for the user to interact with. 

The Java GUI code is automated and all that is necessary is to add the logic for the buttons, ensuring that your java logic is how it is supposed to be will ensure of a successful program and is what the user is expecting. By using the simple java logic below I was able to create multiple programs including my java vending machine program as well as the coffee shop program. Both videos are down below for your viewing pleasure.

How To Create A Python Input Program

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

How to create a python program that gets string input from the user

This is a Python 3 tutorial for creating an Input Program, and in order to get started I always start with a comment about what the program I am building is. By using the # key you are able to then create comments in Python.

How To Create A Python Celsius To Fahrenheit

Photo by Pontus Wellgraf on Unsplash

How to create a python program that converts Celsius Temperature to Fahrenheit Temperature

This is a Python 3 tutorial for creating a Celsius to Fahrenheit program, and in order to get started I always start with a comment about what the program that I am building is. By using the # key you are able to then create comments in Python.

# program that converts Celsius into Fahrenheit
# get users to input for Celsius then do some math to convert

After the comment, I would usually import the functions I would utilize within the program. In this program, I did not use a function, so I did not have to import anything for this program.

Next, I will greet the user with a print statement telling the user what the program does and after that, I will then get input from the user to input into the computer the high and low Celsius temperatures that they would like to convert into Fahrenheit.

How To Create A Python Pay Program

Photo by Pontus Wellgraf on Unsplash

How to create a python program that calculates pay and overtime

This is a Python 3 tutorial for creating a pay and overtime program, and in order to get started I always start with a comment about what the program that I am building is. By using the # key, you can then create comments in Python.

# program that calculates overtime
# get users to input their hours of work and if over 40 get the overtime rate for the extra time

How To Create A Python Function Program

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

How to create a python program using the random function

This is a Python 3 tutorial for creating a random function program, and in order to get started I always start with a comment about what the program that I am building is. By using the # key, you can then create comments in Python.

Great Ways To Learn How To Start Coding

Good Places To Get Help When Learning How To Code There are many places to learn how to do many things not only code, and today in this a...